Welcome to the cbdMD Claims portal. If you received a postcard in the mail or a notice through email and you have been provided with a unique identifier (username and password), you may file a Claim through this portal. If you have not been provided a username and password, you will not be able to file a claim through this portal. You will need to file a paper claim and return it via first class mail. A copy of the Claim Form may be printed by going to the Notice/Claim page of the website Cbdmddatabreachsettlement.com. This Claim Form should be filled out if you used a payment card to make an online purchase with cbdMD during the time period between March 30, 2020 and May 8, 2020, or between May 14, 2020 through May 18, 2020, and you had out-of-pocket expenses, fraudulent charges, lost time spent dealing with fraudulent charges or card replacement issues, or unreimbursed extraordinary monetary losses as a result of the cbdMD Security Incident. You may get a check if you fill out this Claim Form, if the Settlement is approved, and if you are found to be eligible for a payment.